True Happiness (Changes the default mood setting to fine, not happy.A family member, they’ll feel distraught, and it will last for AGES) If they are an acquaintance, they won’t feel much. Balanced death (Now your sims actually act appropriately do deaths.There may be some issues with animation as the animations were meant for adult dogs) Train Puppies (Allows you to train your puppies.Especially useful if you spend time making sure a kids room has a desk and then they never flippin use it) Do Homework at Desk ( Sims will be more inclined to do their homework at a desk.If they get adopted by another family, you can ring that family and check up on them!) You get paid for fostering them, and you can even adopt them. Foster Family (this one is so cute! it allows you do foster a child or pet.

100+ traits (honestly the best and most varied amount of traits you will find.